Austin Car Accident Attorneys

Experienced Lawyers Representing car crash Victims in Texas

Car accidents are a frighteningly common occurrence that causes devastating and even fatal injuries on a daily basis. Because many accidents are the result of negligence, catastrophic collisions can occur anywhere, from bustling city intersections to packed highways to secluded country roads. If you suffered injuries in an accident that was not your fault, you should promptly seek legal advice to ensure you receive the full and fair compensation you are entitled to under the law.

Why Choose Our Auto Accident Lawyers in Austin?

At National Trial Law, we understand that you and your family have enough to worry about in the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident. You should not have to deal with the added stress of negotiating insurance claims and trying to reach an equitable settlement with the at-fault party. Our Austin car accident lawyers can help ease this burden through our compassionate, results-oriented legal representation. We can provide accident reconstruction and investigation services, insurance and settlement negotiation, and courtroom representation. Our team also routinely takes on cases involving commercial vehicles, including Uber and Lyft rideshares, FedEx trucks, and other delivery trucks. No matter the complexity of your case, each of our attorneys is trial-tested and ready to put our extensive experience and resources to work for you. 

There is no fee unless we win, so schedule a free case evaluation by calling (833) 913-1885 or contacting us online today. Se habla español.

record-setting case results
  • $8,700,000 Jury Verdict Products Liability
  • $7,450,000 Settlement Delivery Truck Accident
  • $5,900,000 Settlement Garbage Truck Accident
  • $5,500,000 Jury Verdict Delivery Truck Accident
  • $2,000,000 Settlement 18-Wheeler Truck Accident
  • $1,903,961 Trial Judgment Wrongful Death of a Child

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Texas 

Determining the precise cause of an auto accident is paramount to establishing fault and building a strong personal injury claim. Generally, you have a case when another driver’s negligence leads to a crash. While a driver failing to honor the rules of the road is often to blame, some crashes result from factors beyond any driver’s control. Our Austin car accident attorneys are prepared to investigate the circumstances surrounding your accident and ascertain liability. 

Auto accidents in Texas are frequently caused by:

  • Driver inattention. Drivers should always devote their full attention to the road and avoid distractions whenever possible. Cell phone use, eating, and talking can all result in a driver failing to exercise an appropriate level of caution, potentially with far-reaching and tragic consequences. 
  • Driver intoxication. It is illegal to operate a vehicle when under the influence of drugs or alcohol, as intoxicated drivers are far more likely to make errors and get into accidents. Countless lives have been taken by drunk drivers, and we can help you explore a wrongful death lawsuit if your loved one was killed in one of these crashes. 
  • Driver fatigue. No one should get behind the wheel if they are struggling to keep their eyes open or are depending on coffee or energy drinks to stay awake. When you are exhausted, you will likely have more difficulty focusing and are more prone to mistakes. Driving while fatigued is an especially prevalent problem among truck drivers, who work long hours and travel thousands of miles without stopping. While rules are in place to mandate rest breaks, some trucking companies pressure their drivers to ignore them. 
  • Driver recklessness. Sometimes, a driver simply violates traffic laws. They may change lanes or turn without signaling, run red lights or stop lights, or speed excessively. The reason for their behavior does not matter: Intentionally or unintentionally violating traffic rules typically constitutes negligence for purposes of personal injury litigation. 
  • Manufacturing and design defects. Even a small mechanical defect can have enormous consequences for the driver and passengers of a motor vehicle. Although auto companies and manufacturers are bound by certain federal standards regarding automobile design and assembly, many vehicles on the market still suffer from major structural and mechanical defects. Tires, airbags, and seatbelts are some of the most common vehicle components to exhibit problems. Another frequent and highly-publicized defect is the lack of stability and structural integrity in some sports utility vehicles, which can result in roof crushes and rollover crashes. When you are injured in an accident caused by a defective auto component, you will likely need to explore a product liability lawsuit instead of a personal injury claim. Our team at National Trial Law has obtained millions of dollars for our clients in cases involving dangerous auto defects. 

Real Client testimonials

  • Helped me navigate an extremely complex system

    “I couldn’t recommend her enough.”

  • Very impressed

    “She always responded quickly and kept me informed at all times.”

  • Instantly put us at ease.

    “Words cannot fully express the amount of gratitude that we have for the both of you.”

  • The entire team was always professional and supportive.

    “Chip was always there to answer questions, calm me down and let me know everything was going to be okay!”

  • We are truly grateful for Jamal and his team

    “After a long and lengthy process we feel secure in that we will be able to provide everything our son needs and deserves through the trusts that they set up for him.”

Liability for Commercial Vehicle Accidents

In a typical car accident caused by driver negligence, the at-fault driver is liable for the damages they cause. Liability can become more complicated when a commercial driver is involved. In these instances, the commercial driver’s employer may also be liable for their conduct. Accurately determining liability is an important part of ensuring you get the compensation you need after suffering injuries in a collision. You will then need a legal advocate who is familiar with how large organizations approach these cases, keeping in mind they have extensive legal resources devoted to limiting what you recover. Our Austin car accident lawyers focus much of our personal injury practice on representing clients who have been injured in collisions involving commercial vehicles. We understand how to strategically approach these cases and will fight to secure just compensation from all responsible parties.

The Statute of Limitations for Car Accidents in Texas

Your right to seek compensation for car accident injuries does not exist in perpetuity. In Texas, you usually only have two years from the date of the accident to bring a lawsuit against a negligent driver. If someone suffers fatal injuries in a car accident, qualifying parties have two years from the date of the victim’s passing to file a wrongful death claim.

You will have less time to start the legal process if the negligent driver who caused your accident is a government employee. If the at-fault driver works for the State of Texas or any state-level agency, you must typically file a Notice of Claim within six months of the date of the accident. If your accident involved a federal U.S. government employee, your case falls under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). We handle FTCA cases nationwide, and you should not wait to get in touch.

Recovering Damages for Car Accident Injuries in Texas

The goal of a car accident lawsuit is to restore you to the financial position you were in before the collision occurred. You can potentially receive economic damages that cover out-of-pocket expenses you occurred because of the accident as well as non-economic damages that are meant to compensate you for the intangible losses that are not easily quantified. In some rare cases, punitive damages may also be awarded if the negligent party’s conduct was especially egregious or unacceptable. 

When you suffer injuries in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, we will make every effort to secure just compensation for all losses, including:

  • Past, current, and future medical expenses
  • Lost income and earning potential
  • Property damage
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental pain and anguish
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Our team will work tirelessly to understand all aspects of your case and fight on behalf of your rights. Call (833) 913-1885 or contact us online to request an evaluation of your car accident today.

National Recognition

  • Super Lawyers 2023
  • Austin Monthly’s Top Attorneys of 2022
  • Outstanding 50 Year Lawyer Award 2022 – Texas Bar Foundation Awards
  • – “Best Personal Injury Lawyers in Austin 2022”
What sets us apart:

    More attorneys named Super Lawyers by Thomson Reuters in the “Personal Injury Medical Malpractice: Plaintiff” category in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 than any other law firm in Texas (Bill Whitehurst, Chip Brees, Michelle Cheng, Jamal Alsaffar, Laurie Higginbotham and Tom Jacob)


    Founded in Austin with more than 50 years of trial experience.


    National results in complex personal injury litigation.


    Many experienced lawyers ready to serve you.


    Our team has multiple Spanish speaking staff members.

Texas roots. National Reach.

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